How egocentric coding properties arise from its presynaptic inputs, and how egocentric cells represent items across different behavioral contexts?

Cheng, Ning, Qiqi Dong, Zhen Zhang, Li Wang, Xiaojing Chen, and Cheng Wang. “Egocentric processing of items in spines, dendrites, and somas in the retrosplenial cortex.” Neuron (2023).

“Egocentric representations of external items are essential for spatial navigation and memory. Here, we explored the neural mechanisms underlying egocentric processing in the retrosplenial cortex (RSC), a pivotal area for memory and navigation. Using one-photon and two-photon calcium imaging, we identified egocentric tuning for environment boundaries in dendrites, spines, and somas of RSC neurons (egocentric boundary cells) in the open-field task. Dendrites with egocentric tuning tended to have similarly tuned spines. We further identified egocentric neurons representing landmarks in a virtual navigation task or remembered cue location in a goal-oriented task, respectively. These neurons formed an independent population with egocentric boundary cells, suggesting that dedicated neurons with microscopic clustering of functional inputs shaped egocentric boundary processing in RSC and that RSC adopted a labeled line code with distinct classes of egocentric neurons responsible for representing different items in specific behavioral contexts, which could lead to efficient and flexible computation.”

Cheng, Ning, Qiqi Dong, Zhen Zhang, Li Wang, Xiaojing Chen, and Cheng Wang. “Egocentric processing of items in spines, dendrites, and somas in the retrosplenial cortex.” Neuron (2023).