Tag: Goal-Directed Navigation

How heading neurons in the Drosophila central complex guide moment-to-moment navigational behavior?

Jonathan Green, Vikram Vijayan, Peter Mussells Pires, Atsuko Adachi & Gaby Maimon. A neural heading estimate is compared with an internal goal to guide oriented navigation. Nature Neuroscience, 22 July 2019. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-019-0444-x

Goal-directed navigation is thought to

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How the brain remembers where you’re heading to?

Kunz, Lukas, Liang Wang, Daniel Lachner-Piza, Hui Zhang, Armin Brandt, Matthias Dümpelmann, Peter C. Reinacher et al. “Hippocampal theta phases organize the reactivation of large-scale electrophysiological representations during goal-directed navigation.” Science Advances 5, no. 7 (2019): eaav8192.

Humans are

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The Integration of Goal-Directed Signals onto Spatial Maps of Hippocampal Place Cells

Aoki, Yuki, Hideyoshi Igata, Yuji Ikegaya, and Takuya Sasaki. “The Integration of Goal-Directed Signals onto Spatial Maps of Hippocampal Place Cells.” Cell Reports 27, no. 5 (2019): 1516-1527.

Spatial firing of hippocampal place cells varies depending on the …

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How to build goal-directed navigation based on path integration and decoding of grid cells in an artificial neural network?

Edvardsen, Vegard. “Goal-directed navigation based on path integration and decoding of grid cells in an artificial neural network.” Natural Computing 18, no. 1 (2019): 13-27.

The following content is extracted from Edvardsen 2019.

Edvardsen, Vegard. “Goal-directed navigation based …

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