How the brain associate multiple sensory cues with objects and experience?

Scott Waddell, Zeynep Okray, Pedro F Jacob, Ciara Stern, Kieran Desmond, Nils Otto, Paola Vargas-Gutierrez. Multisensory learning binds modality-specific neurons into a cross-modal memory engram. bioRxiv 2022.07.08.499174; doi:

Associating multiple sensory cues with objects and experience

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How information about objects is represented in collective dynamics of the hippocampal population?

Anne Nagelhus, Sebastian Andersson, Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Edvard I. Moser, May-Britt Moser. Object-centered population coding in CA1 of the hippocampus. bioRxiv 2022.07.07.499197; doi:

Objects and landmarks are crucial for guiding navigation and must be integrated into

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How the hippocampus creates a vector-based model to support flexible navigation, allowing animals to select optimal paths to destinations from any location in the environment?

Ormond, J., O’Keefe, J. Hippocampal place cells have goal-oriented vector fields during navigation. Nature (2022).

“The hippocampal cognitive map supports navigation towards, or away from, salient locations in familiar environments1. Although much is known about how the

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How navigation task and action space drive the emergence of egocentric and allocentric spatial representations?

Sandhiya Vijayabaskaran, Sen Cheng. Navigation task and action space drive the emergence of egocentric and allocentric spatial representations. bioRxiv 2022.06.22.497126; doi:

“In general, strategies for spatial navigation could employ one of two spatial reference frames: egocentric or …

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Whether grid-cell-like representations support temporal processing?

Gregory Peters-Founshtein, Amnon Dafni-Merom, Rotem Monsa, Shahar Arzy. Evidence for grid-cell-related activity in the time domain. bioRxiv 2022.06.14.476894; doi:

“The relation between the processing of space and time in the brain has been an enduring cross-disciplinary question. …

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How to implement closed-loop control and recalibration of place cells by optic flow?

Manu S Madhav, Ravikrishnan P Jayakumar, Brian Y Li, Francesco Savelli, James J Knierim, Noah J Cowan. Closed-loop control and recalibration of place cells by optic flow. bioRxiv 2022.06.12.495823; doi:

“Understanding the interplay between sensory input, endogenous …

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How could path integration vectors be encoded in the brains of bees for navigation?

Rickesh N. Patel, Julian Kempenaers, Stanley Heinze. Vector navigation in walking bumblebees. Current Biology, 2022, DOI:

Path integration is a computational strategy that allows an animal to maintain an internal estimate of its position relative to a

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