How population-level heading responses are aligned to visual input?

Kevin K. Sit, Michael J. Goard. Coregistration of heading to visual cues in retrosplenial cortex. bioRxiv 2022.03.25.485865; doi:

“Spatial cognition depends on an accurate representation of orientation within an environment. Head direction cells in distributed brain regions

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How to enable robots navigate based on experiences and predictive map inspired by spatial cognition in the brain?

D. Liu, Z. Lyu, Q. Zou, X. Bian, M. Cong and Y. Du, “Robotic Navigation Based on Experiences and Predictive Map Inspired by Spatial Cognition,” in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2022.3155614.

“Humans and animals have environmental …

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How the primary visual cortex encodes stable 3D head direction signals?

Grigori Guitchounts, William Lotter, Joel Dapello, David Cox. Stable 3D Head Direction Signals in the Primary Visual Cortex. bioRxiv 2020.09.04.283762; doi:

Visual signals influence the brain’s computation of spatial position and orientation. Accordingly, the primary …

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How rodents from different habitats cope with three-dimensional environments?

Hagbi Z, Eilam D (2022) On heights and plains: How rodents from different habitats cope with three-dimensional environments? PLoS ONE 17(3): e0265176.

“Dwelling in a specific habitat requires adaptation to the habitat physical and biological properties in order …

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How do hippocampal neurons contribute to memorizing and utilizing information acquired through social observations and interactions?

Mou, Xiang, Abhishekh Pokhrel, Prakul Suresh, and Daoyun Ji. “Observational learning promotes hippocampal remote awake replay toward future reward locations.” Neuron, Volume 110, Issue 5, 2 March 2022, Pages 891-902.e7

The neural circuit mechanisms underlying observational

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How are visual landmarks integrated into a framework that supports the neural encoding of landmark- based orientation?

LaChance PA, Graham J, Shapiro BL, Morris AJ, Taube JS. Landmark-modulated directional coding in postrhinal cortex. Science Advances 2022 Jan 28;8(4):eabg8404. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abg8404.

Visual landmarks can anchor an animal’s internal sense of orientation to the external world

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How do hippocampal replays adapt to spatial contingency changes?

John Widloski, David J. Foster. Flexible rerouting of hippocampal replay sequences around changing barriers in the absence of global place field remapping. Neuron, 2022, 110, 1–12.

“Flexibility is a hallmark of memories that depend on the hippocampus. For

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