How the primate entorhinal cortex support mental navigation?

Neupane, S., Fiete, I. & Jazayeri, M. Mental navigation in the primate entorhinal cortex. Nature (2024).

A cognitive map is a suitably structured representation that enables novel computations using previous experience; for example, planning a …

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How existing motor memories are maintained as new motor skills are continuously acquired?

Jae-Hyun Kim, Kayvon Daie, Nuo Li. A combinatorial neural code for long-term motor memory. bioRxiv 2024.06.05.597627; doi:

Motor skill repertoire can be stably retained over long periods, but the neural mechanism underlying stable memory storage remains

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What’s the mechanism of spatial periodic computation of hippocampus-entorhinal circuit in navigation?

Bo Zhang, Jia Liu. The spatial periodic computation of hippocampus-entorhinal circuit in navigation. bioRxiv 2022.01.29.478346; doi:

“To achieve the computational goal of navigating in both physical and mental spaces, human brain employs a cognitive map constructed by …

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What’s the mechanisms and function of grid cells in cognition?

Ling L. Dong, and Ila R. Fiete. Grid Cells in Cognition: Mechanisms and Function. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 2024. 47:345–68. 


“The activity patterns of grid cells form distinctively regular triangular lattices over the explored spatial environment and are …

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How the hippocampus represents different spaces?

Fenton, A.A. Remapping revisited: how the hippocampus represents different spaces. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. (2024).

The representation of distinct spaces by hippocampal place cells has been linked to changes in their place fields (the locations in the …

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How to build a bio-inspired hardware implementation of an analog spike-based hippocampus memory model?

Daniel Casanueva-Morato, Alvaro Ayuso-Martinez, Giacomo Indiveri, J P Dominguez-Morales,Gabriel Jimenez-Moreno. A bio-inspired hardware implementation of an analog spike-based hippocampus memory model. TechRxiv. April 03, 2024. DOI: 10.36227/techrxiv.171216721.14143739/v1

“The need for processing at the edge the increasing amount of …

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How does the brain select what to remember during sleep?

Wannan Yang, Chen Sun, Roman Huszár, Thomas Hainmueller, Kirill Kiselev, György Buzsáki. “Selection of experience for memory by hippocampal sharp wave ripple.” Science 383, 1478-1483 (2024).

Experiences need to be tagged during learning for further

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