How the brain performs egocentric-to-allocentric transformations?

Cheng Wang, Xiaojing Chen, James J Knierim. Egocentric and allocentric representations of space in the rodent brain, Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 60, 2020, Pages 12-20,


“Spatial signals are prevalent within the hippocampus and its neighboring regions. It …

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How visual cues are integrated into the compass in the brain?

Yvette E. Fisher, Jenny Lu, Isabel D’Alessandro & Rachel I. Wilson . Sensorimotor experience remaps visual input to a heading-direction network. Nature (2019) doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1772-4


“In the Drosophila brain, ‘compass’ neurons track the orientation of the body and head …

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How the internal heading representation is linked to the sensory cues in the brain?

Kim, S.S., Hermundstad, A.M., Romani, S. et al. Generation of stable heading representations in diverse visual scenes. Nature (2019) doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1767-1

Many animals rely on an internal heading representation when navigating in varied environments1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. How this representation

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How path integration is performed in the brain?

Savelli, Francesco, and James J. Knierim. “Origin and role of path integration in the cognitive representations of the hippocampus: computational insights into open questions.” Journal of Experimental Biology 222, no. Suppl 1 (2019): jeb188912.

Path integration is

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How the hippocampal spatial memory representations is maintained?

Samuel J Levy, Nathaniel R Kinsky, William Mau, David W Sullivan, Michael E Hasselmo. Hippocampal spatial memory representations in mice are heterogeneously stable. bioRxiv 843037; doi:

The population of hippocampal neurons actively coding space continually changes

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How environmental geometry affects human spatial memory?

Bellmund, J.L.S., de Cothi, W., Ruiter, T.A. et al. Deforming the metric of cognitive maps distorts memory. Nat Hum Behav (2019) doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0767-3

Environmental boundaries anchor cognitive maps that support memory. However, trapezoidal boundary geometry distorts the regular firing …

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How the brain performs spatial coordinate transforms for navigation?

Rolls, ET. Spatial coordinate transforms linking the allocentric hippocampal and egocentric parietal primate brain systems for memory, action in space, and navigation. Hippocampus. 2019; 1– 22.

“A theory and model of spatial coordinate transforms in the dorsal …

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