How grid cells generate unambiguous and high-capacity representations of variables in much higher-dimensional space?

Klukas, Mirko, Marcus Lewis, and Ila Fiete. “Flexible representation and memory of higher-dimensional cognitive variables with grid cells.” bioRxiv (2019): 578641.

The following content is from Klukas 2019.

Grid cell representations are simultaneously flexible and powerful yet rigid …

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How grid cells could possibly organize?

Anselmi, Fabio, Benedetta Franceschiello, Micah M. Murray, and Lorenzo Rosasco. “A computational model for grid maps in neural populations.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.06553 (2019).

The following content is extracted from Anselmi 2019.

Anselmi, Fabio, Benedetta Franceschiello, Micah M. Murray, …

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How the brain implements recognition of familiar faces, objects, and scenes at the neural level?

Bicanski and Burgess 2019 propose that grid cells support visual recognition memory, by encoding translation vectors between salient stimulus features. They provide an explicit neural mechanism for the role of directed saccades in hypothesis-driven, constructive perception and recognition, and

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Neuro-Autonomy: Neuroscience-Inspired Perception, Navigation, and Spatial Awareness for Autonomous Robots

MURI Project Title: “Neuro-Autonomy: Neuroscience-Inspired Perception, Navigation, and Spatial Awareness for Autonomous Robots”

Project Website: 


The following content is extracted from the

A Boston University-led research team was selected to receive a $7.5 million Multidisciplinary …

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3D State Estimation and 3D Pose Graph Optimization for 3D SLAM and Navigation

The following are some key references about 3D state estimation, 3D motion, 3D pose graph optimization.

Solà, Joan, Jeremie Deray, and Dinesh Atchuthan. “A micro Lie theory for state estimation in robotics.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.01537 (2018).

In this …

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Whether hippocampal spatial coding principles also provide a universal metric for the organization of non-spatial information?

The latest investigation by Theves et al. 2019  revealed the hippocampus encodes distances in multidimensional feature space.

• The hippocampus encodes distances in multidimensional feature space
• Converging evidence from multivoxel pattern and fMRI adaptation analyses
• Results suggest …

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How Animals Find Their Way

A new book ‘Supernavigators: Exploring the Wonders of How Animals Find Their Way’ by David Barrie was published in May 28, 2019. 

In Supernavigators, award-winning author David Barrie takes us on a tour of the cutting-edge science of animal navigation

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