How your brain encodes location?

A latest report titled ‘The Surprising Relativism of the Brain’s GPS’ by ADITHYA RAJAGOPALAN at Cohen Lab, JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, reviewed the brief research history of the Brain’s GPS published in  NAUTILUS

For further info, please read the report …

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How 3D grid cells encode 3D physical space in the human brain?

Novel fantastic research about 3D grid cells in the human brain by Dr. Misun Kim and Professor Eleanor A. Maguire in paper Kim et al. 2019 

Misun Kim, Eleanor A. Maguire. Can we study 3D grid codes non-invasively in the

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How three-dimensional (3D) direction information is encoded in the human brain?

Novel fantastic research about 3D head direction cells in the human brain by Dr. Misun Kim and Professor Eleanor A. Maguire in paper Kim et al. 2018.

Misun Kim, Eleanor A. Maguire. Encoding of 3D head direction information in the

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CogNav-Cognitive Navigation

An issue of Navigation News on Cognitive Navigation.

An article about Cognitive Navigation by Professor Kate Jeffery in this issue.

“Cognitive navigation integrates the navigator with their surroundings, in both time and space, and also with other navigators,and …

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3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping and Navigation Planning for Mobile Robots in Complex Environments

3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping and Navigation Planning for Mobile Robots in Complex Environments. June 28, 2017. By Professor Sven Behnke, University of Bonn, Germany…

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3D Drone Localization and Mapping

3D Drone Localization and Mapping. Oct.10 ,2018.  By Prof. Ioannis Pitas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Contributors: J.M.M. Montiel (University of Zaragoza), J. Ramiro Martinez-de Dios (University of Seville), E. Kakaletsis, N. Nikolaidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)…

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3D Motion Estimation

3D Motion Estimation. Oct.10 ,2018.  By Prof. Ioannis Pitas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.…

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