How to build robust, visual-inertial state estimation for autonomous navigation?

Robust, Visual-Inertial State Estimation: from Frame-based to Event-based Cameras

This lecture was presented by Professor Davide Scaramuzza at Affiliation University of Zurich, ETH Zurich in September 25, 2017 on Series Microsoft Research Talks.

Professor Davide Scaramuzza presented main algorithms to …

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Why drones can learn to navigate autonomously by imitating cars and bicycles?

Drones learn to navigate autonomously by imitating cars and bicycles powered by AI

January 23, 2018, by University of Zurich

Developed by UZH researchers, the algorithm DroNet allows drones to fly completely by themselves through the streets of a city

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How to enable robot cognitive mapping inspired by Grid Cells, Head Direction Cells and Speed Cells?

Taiping Zeng, and Bailu Si. “Cognitive Mapping Based on Conjunctive Representations of Space and Movement.” Frontiers in Neurorobotics 11 (2017).

In this work, the researchers developed a cognitive mapping model for mobile robots, taking advantage of the coding …

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How to perform robot place recognition with multi-scale, multi-sensor system inspired by place cells?

Adam Jacobson, Zetao Chen, Michael Milford. Leveraging variable sensor spatial acuity with a homogeneous, multi-scale place recognition framework. Biological Cybernetics, Jan 20, 2018, .

This paper presented a biologically inspired multi-scale, multi-sensor place recognition system that incorporates the …

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How Self-Motion Updates the Head Direction Cell Attractor?

Laurens J., et al., 2018 reviews head direction cells. They propose a quantitative framework whereby this drive represents a multisensory self-motion estimate computed through an internal model that uses sensory prediction errors of vestibular, visual, and somatosensory cues to improve …

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How to determine the instantaneous head direction by a population vector scheme?

The excerpt note is from the Song et al., 2005 paper. The example code is implemented by Fangwen. The whole example code is here.

Pengcheng Song, and Xiao-Jing Wang. “Angular path integration by moving “hill of activity”: a

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How to implement internal dynamics of the head direction network in brain inspired 1D SLAM?

The excerpt note is from the Michael’s book. The example code is implemented by Fangwen, which can help us to understand the process and principle of the method.

Michael Milford. Robot Navigation from Nature: Simultaneous Localisation, Mapping, and Path Planning

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