How place cells resolve spatial ambiguities?

Han Yin Cheng, Dorothy WU Overington, Kate J Jeffery. Three separable roles for context in breaking environmental symmetries for place cells. bioRxiv 2023.05.28.542182; doi:

We investigated how place cells resolve spatial ambiguities, such as identical compartments

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How contextual and goal information are incorporated in the construction and execution of navigational plans in the human hippocampus?

Jordan Crivelli-Decker, Alex Clarke, Seongmin A. Park, Derek J. Huffman, Erie D. Boorman & Charan Ranganath. Goal-oriented representations in the human hippocampus during planning and navigation. Nat Commun 14, 2946 (2023).

“Recent work in cognitive and systems …

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How hippocampal system neurons encode views for memory and navigation in different species?

Hippocampus Special Issue:Hippocampal System Neurons Encoding Views in Different Species
Issue Edited by: Edmund Rolls, Sylvia Wirth , May 2023

“The aim of this Special Issue of Hippocampus (2023) is to bring together papers that address view representations in the

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How the dorsal subiculum encode corners across environmental geometries in an allocentric reference frame?

Yanjun Sun, Douglas A Nitz, Xiangmin Xu, Lisa M Giocomo. The subiculum encodes environmental geometry. bioRxiv 2023.05.07.539721; doi:

Corners are a cardinal feature of many of the complex environmental geometries found in the natural world but

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How to implement an explainable artificial intelligence approach to spatial navigation based on hippocampal circuitry?

Simone Coppolino, Michele Migliore. An explainable artificial intelligence approach to spatial navigation based on hippocampal circuitry. Neural Networks, Volume 163, June 2023, Pages 97-107.

Learning to navigate a complex environment is not a difficult task for a

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How are objects and landmarks encoded by the hippocampal neural population for navigation?

Anne Nagelhus, Sebastian O. Andersson, Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, Edvard I. Moser, May-Britt Moser. Object-centered population coding in CA1 of the hippocampus. Neuron 111, 1–14, 2023.

Objects and landmarks are crucial for guiding navigation and must be integrated

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How environment geometry influence on subiculum boundary vector cells?

Laurenz Muessig, Fabio Ribeiro Rodrigues, Tale Bjerknes, Ben Towse, Caswell Barry, Neil Burgess, Edvard I. Moser, May-Britt Moser, Francesca Cacucci, Thomas J. Wills. The influence of environment geometry on subiculum boundary vector cells in adulthood and early development. bioRxiv …

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