How does freely swimming fish represent space and locomotion in the brain to enable successful navigation?

Vinepinsky, E., Cohen, L., Perchik, S. et al. Representation of edges, head direction, and swimming kinematics in the brain of freely-navigating fish. Sci Rep 10, 14762 (2020).

Like most animals, the survival of fish depends on

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How are spatial landmarks encoded by cue cells in MEC for error correction during path integration?

Kinkhabwala, Amina A., Yi Gu, Dmitriy Aronov, and David W. Tank. “Visual cue-related activity of cells in the medial entorhinal cortex during navigation in virtual reality.” Elife 9 (2020): e43140.

During spatial navigation, animals use self-motion

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How does the brain correct cumulative error in the path-integration system plastically and adaptively?

Jayakumar, R.P., Madhav, M.S., Savelli, F. et al. Recalibration of path integration in hippocampal place cells. Nature 566, 533–537 (2019).

Hippocampal place cells are spatially tuned neurons that serve as elements of a ‘cognitive map’ in

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How does path integration operate at a neural level in humans?

Arnold, Aiden EG, Ford Burles, Signe Bray, Richard M. Levy, and Giuseppe Iaria. “Differential neural network configuration during human path integration.” Frontiers in human neuroscience 8 (2014): 263.


Path integration is a fundamental skill for navigation

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How does the bird brain encode head direction?

Elhanan Ben-Yishay, Ksenia Krivoruchko, Shaked Ron, Nachum Ulanovsky, Dori Derdikman, Yoram Gutfreund. Head-Direction Coding in the Hippocampal Formation of Birds. bioRxiv 2020.08.31.274928; doi:

Birds strongly rely on spatial memory and navigation. However, it is unknown

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How does the brain navigate 2D semantic spaces?

Simone Viganò, Valerio Rubino, Antonio Di Soccio, Marco Buiatti, Manuela Piazza. Multiple spatial codes for navigating 2-D semantic spaces. bioRxiv 2020.07.16.205955; doi:

When mammals navigate in the physical environment, specific neurons such as grid-cells, head-direction cells,

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How do humans navigate with stereo olfaction?

Yuli Wu, Kepu Chen, Yuting Ye, Tao Zhang, Wen Zhou. Humans navigate with stereo olfaction.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jul 2020, 117 (27) 16065-16071; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2004642117

The human brain exploits subtle differences between the

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