How does the brain store information across time while simultaneously retain the timing information necessary for anticipating events and coordinating behavior?

Christopher J. Cueva, Alex Saez, Encarni Marcos, Aldo Genovesio, Mehrdad Jazayeri, Ranulfo Romo, C. Daniel Salzman, Michael N. Shadlen, Stefano Fusi. Low-dimensional dynamics for working memory and time encoding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Aug 2020, 201915984; …

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How does the retrosplenial cortex perform 1D path integration and represent spatial context?

Ju M, Gaussier P. A model of path integration and representation of spatial context in the retrosplenial cortex. Biological Cybernetics. 2020 Apr;114(2):303-313. DOI: 10.1007/s00422-020-00833-x.

“Inspired by recent biological experiments, we simulate animals moving in different environments (open space,

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How does the retrosplenial cortex encode or store spatial information?

Czajkowski, R., Jayaprakash, B., Wiltgen, B., Rogerson, T., Guzman-Karlsson, M. C., Barth, A. L., Trachtenberg, J. T., & Silva, A. J. (2014). Encoding and storage of spatial information in the retrosplenial cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences …

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How to learn an efficient place cell map from grid cells using non-negative sparse coding?

Yanbo Lian, Anthony N. Burkitt. Learning an efficient place cell map from grid cells using non-negative sparse coding. bioRxiv 2020.08.12.248534; doi:

“Experimental studies of grid cells in the Medial Entorhinal Cortex (MEC) have shown that they are …

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How are grid cells modulated by local head direction?

Gerlei, K., Passlack, J., Hawes, I. et al. Grid cells are modulated by local head directionNat Commun 11, 4228 (2020).

Grid and head direction codes represent cognitive spaces for navigation and memory. Pure grid …

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How do place cells and grid cells represent position across multiple environments with joint attractor dynamics?

Agmon, Haggai, and Yoram Burak. “A theory of joint attractor dynamics in the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex accounts for artificial remapping and grid cell field-to-field variability.” eLife 9 (2020): e56894.

The representation of position in

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How is information about position, direction of motion, and speed represented in the hippocampus?

Stefanini, Fabio, Lyudmila Kushnir, Jessica C. Jimenez, Joshua H. Jennings, Nicholas I. Woods, Garret D. Stuber, Mazen A. Kheirbek, René Hen, and Stefano Fusi. “A distributed neural code in the dentate gyrus and in CA1.” Neuron (2020), Volume …

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