Category: Brain-Inspired Navigation

How Does the Brain Solve the Computational Problems of Spatial Navigation?

Widloski, John, and Ila Fiete. “How does the brain solve the computational problems of spatial navigation?.” In Space, Time and Memory in the Hippocampal Formation, pp. 373-407. Springer, Vienna, 2014.

Flexible navigation in the real world involves …

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How is information about location, direction, and distance integrated in the grid cell network?

Sargolini, Francesca, Marianne Fyhn, Torkel Hafting, Bruce L. McNaughton, Menno P. Witter, May-Britt Moser, and Edvard I. Moser. “Conjunctive representation of position, direction, and velocity in entorhinal cortex.” Science 312, no. 5774 (2006): 758-762.

Grid cells in …

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Optimal dynamic coding by mixed-dimensionality neurons in the head-direction system of bats

Finkelstein, Arseny, Nachum Ulanovsky, Misha Tsodyks, and Johnatan Aljadeff. “Optimal dynamic coding by mixed-dimensionality neurons in the head-direction system of bats.” Nature communications 9, no. 1 (2018): 3590.


Ethologically relevant stimuli are often multidimensional. In many brain …

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Neuromorphic Stereo Vision for Biologically Plausible Robots

Lea Steffen, Daniel Reichard, Jakob Weinland, Jacques Kaiser, Arne Roennau and Rüdiger Dillmann. Neuromorphic Stereo Vision: a Survey of Bio-inspired Sensors and Algorithms. Front. Neurorobot. | doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2019.00028

Anstract: Any visual sensor, whether artificial or biological, maps the 3D-world …

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The internal maps of insects

Webb, Barbara. “The internal maps of insects.” Journal of Experimental Biology 222, no. Suppl 1 (2019): jeb188094.


Insect navigation is strikingly geometric. Many species use path integration to maintain an accurate estimate of their distance and direction

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ViTa-SLAM: Biologically-Inspired Visuo-Tactile SLAM

Struckmeier, Oliver, Kshitij Tiwari, Martin J. Pearson, and Ville Kyrki. “ViTa-SLAM: Biologically-Inspired Visuo-Tactile SLAM.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.05667 (2019).

Abstract— In this work, Struckmeier et al. propose a novel, bio-inspired multisensory SLAM approach called ViTa-SLAM. Compared to

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Attractor Dynamics and Embodiment of Neural Computing (Neuromorphic SLAM)

Yulia Sandamirskaya. Attractor Dynamics and Embodiment of Neural Computing. Presented at  Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Workshop (NICE 2019). 

Dr. Sandamirskaya talked about attractor dynamics and neuromorphic SLAM. The talks introduced head direction cells models based on neuromorphic hardware. How …

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