Category: Neural Basis of Navigation

How are neural representations of space used in the service of both real-world navigation and internal mnemonic processes?

Wenbo Tang and Shantanu P. JadhavMultiple-Timescale Representations of Space: Linking Memory to Navigation. Annual Review of Neuroscience. Vol. 45:- (Volume publication date July 2022). Review in Advance first posted online on December 22, 2021. (Changes may still …

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Why are our conceptions of space and time intertwined with memory in the hippocampal formation?

Lynn Nadel. The hippocampal formation and action at a distance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Dec 2021, 118 (51) e2119670118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2119670118


“Why is it that the same neural system is so intimately involved in aspects …

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How is the sense of space properly updated when travelling and heading angles differ?

Cheng Lyu, L. F. Abbott & Gaby Maimon. Building an allocentric travelling direction signal via vector computationNature (2021).

“Many behavioural tasks require the manipulation of mathematical vectors, but, outside of computational models1,2,3,4,5,6,7, it is not known

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How does the brain create spatial maps in piriform cortex during olfactory navigation?

Cindy Poo, Gautam Agarwal, Niccolò Bonacchi & Zachary F. Mainen. Spatial maps in piriform cortex during olfactory navigationNature (2021).

Odours are a fundamental part of the sensory environment used by animals to guide behaviours such

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How does the brain map vestibular and visual contributions to angular head velocity tuning in the cortex?

Eivind Hennestad, Aree Witoelar, Anna R. Chambers, Koen Vervaeke. Mapping vestibular and visual contributions to angular head velocity tuning in the cortex. Cell Reports, Volume 37, Issue 12, 2021, 110134.

Neurons that signal the angular velocity of

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How does the monarch butterfly modulate heading representation?

M. Jerome Beetz, Christian Kraus, Myriam Franzke, Eric J. Warrant, Christine Merlin, Basil el Jundi. Flight-induced compass representation in the monarch butterfly heading network. Current Biology, 2021,  Published:November 24, 2021 DOI:

“For navigation, animals use a robust internal …

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How do cognitive maps support hierarchical planning at multiple scales for large-scale navigation?

Iva K. Brunec and Ida Momennejad. Predictive Representations in Hippocampal and Prefrontal Hierarchies. Journal of Neuroscience 19 November 2021, JN-RM-1327-21; DOI:

“As we navigate the world, we use learned representations of relational structures to explore and to …

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