


Hallway based automatic indoor floorplan construction using room fingerprints








   People spend approximately 70% of their time indoors. Understanding the indoor environments is therefore important for a wide range of emerging mobile personal and social applications. Knowledge of indoor floorplans is often required by these applications. However, indoor floorplans are either unavailable or obtaining them requires slow, tedious, and error-prone manual labour. 


     This paper describes an automatic indoor floorplan construction system. Leveraging Wi-Fi fingerprints and user motion information, this system automatically constructs floorplan via three key steps: 

    (1) room adjacency graph construction to determine which rooms are adjacent;

    (2) hallway layout learning to estimate room sizes and order rooms along each hallway;

   (3) force directed dilation to adjust room sizes and optimize the overall floorplan accuracy. Deployment study in three buildings with 189 rooms demonstrates high floorplan accuracy. The system has been implemented as a mobile middleware, which allows emerging mobile applications to generate, leverage, and share indoor floorplans. 


    The system functions for a variety of indoor environments, and is robust to Wi-Fi noise and variation in occupant motion patterns. Deployment at three building sites with 189 rooms yields an average room position accuracy of 91%, room area estimation error of 33% and room geometric aspect ratio error of 24%, using on average only 20 data points per location for the system to converge.


     Keywords  Indoor floorplan; context sensing; indoor localization  


Automatic indoor floorplan construction system overview.


Jiang, Y., et al. (2013). Hallway based automatic indoor floorplan construction using room fingerprints. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing, ACM.