How to Become the Best in the World at What You Do

Reading in the special holiday.

I read the report again, titled How to Become the Best in the World at What You Do, which is very great paper for  inspiration and improving my own skill.

Merry Christmas!

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Vision Tool: Single Axis Rotation Angle Measurement Toolbox Using a Camera and a Checkboard

Single Axis Rotation Angle Measurement Toolbox

Using a Camera and a Checkboard

Hongxin Dong, Qiang Fu, Xu Zhao, Quan Quan and Ruifeng Zhang

       This is a MATLAB toolbox (download) for angle measurement. The toolbox can be used to …

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10 Rules of Studying

From the course website of Learning How to Learn  @ Dr. Barbara Oakley  Dr. Terrence Sejnowski

These rules form a synthesis of some of the main ideas of the course–they are excerpted from the book A Mind for Numbers:

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Technology: Use or lose our navigation skills

Roger McKinlay 30 March 2016  in Nature News

Automatic wayfinding is eroding natural abilities, warns Roger McKinlay. 

Read more info on the Nature site.  Nature 531, 573–575 (31 March 2016) doi:10.1038/531573a


@SWNS A lorry wedged between houses in Bruton, …

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OCamCalib: Omnidirectional Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab

Author: Davide Scaramuzza  For catadioptric and fisheye cameras up to 195 degrees.

The OcamCalib Toolbox for Matlab allows the user (also inexpert users) to calibrate any central omnidirectional camera, that is, any panoramic camera having a single effective viewpoint (see

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Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab

Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab @ Dr. Jean-Yves Bouguet

This is a release of a Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab® with a complete documentation. This document may also be used as a tutorial on camera calibration since it includes …

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【Latest Papers】Cognitive Navigation by Neuro-Inspired Localization, Mapping and Episodic Memory

Abstract One of the important topics in the study of robotic cognition is to enable robot to perceive, plan and react to situations in a real-world environment. We present a novel angle on this subject, by integrating active navigation with …

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