Category: Brain-Inspired Navigation

【Excerpt Note】The Representation of Movement Direction in the Motor Cortex: Single Cell and Population Studies

The chapter is published by Apostolos P. Georgopoulos, John F. Kalaska, Michael D. Crutcher, Roberto Caminiti, Joe T. Massey in 1984.

This blog is a brief summary of the chapter about neuronal mechanisms and representation of movement direction.

  • The paper
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【Excerpt Note】Neuronal Population Coding of Movement Direction

Georgopoulos, Apostolos P., Andrew B. Schwartz, and Ronald E. Kettner. “Neuronal population coding of movement direction.” Science (1986): 1416-1419.

The blog is a brief summary of the neuronal population coding model for movement direction.

Brief Summary

  • Although individual neurons in
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【Excerpt Note】Population Encoding and Decoding

The content is from the lecture notes (M1_Slides_Population_Coding, M1_Notes_Population_Coding) of ‘Theoretical Systems Neuroscience’ by Professor Wei Ji Ma (Baylor College of Medicine) in 2013. He is now leading the Wei Ji Ma’ lab at Center for Neural

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How to get the best current activity state in continuous attractor network with population decoding?

Models of head direction and place cells often use some form of attractor network (Redish, Elga et al. 1996; Zhang 1996; Samsonovich and McNaughton 1997; Stringer, Rolls et al. 2002; Stringer, Trappenberg et al. 2002). Typically an array of cells …

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How to implement the visual processing module for pose calibration in RatSLAM?

In this report, I summarized some key methods for visual processing module in RatSLAM or RatSLAM-based System. There are more than six approaches as following. By comparing and doing some practical experiments, I think that the intensity scanline profile and

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Brief News of Cognitive Navigation (2017-001)

  1. Neuroscience-inspired Data Compression

         By Prof. Michael Milford  Dec 21, 2017

  • A project: An infinitely scalable learning and recognition network. The idea at the core of the project is to combine neuroscience and machine learning to develop new data compression techniques,
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【Latest Papers】Cognitive Navigation by Neuro-Inspired Localization, Mapping and Episodic Memory

Abstract One of the important topics in the study of robotic cognition is to enable robot to perceive, plan and react to situations in a real-world environment. We present a novel angle on this subject, by integrating active navigation with …

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