Category: Brain-Inspired Navigation

Two Compasses in the Central Complex of the Locust Brain

Pegel, Uta, Keram Pfeiffer, Frederick Zittrell, Christine Scholtyssek, and Uwe Homberg. “Two compasses in the central complex of the locust brain.” Journal of Neuroscience 39, no. 16 (2019): 3070-3080.

In the brain of the desert locust, neurons sensitive …

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Neuro-Autonomy: Neuroscience-Inspired Perception, Navigation, and Spatial Awareness for Autonomous Robots

MURI Project Title: “Neuro-Autonomy: Neuroscience-Inspired Perception, Navigation, and Spatial Awareness for Autonomous Robots”

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A Boston University-led research team was selected to receive a $7.5 million Multidisciplinary …

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Insect-Inspired Robots Don’t Need GPS For Orientation

The ‘Brains on Board’ project is a collaboration between several British universities in partnership with the Human Brain Project and seeks to ‘translate’ the brains of ants and bees into algorithms that a machine will understand. Its aim is …

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NeuroSLAM : Neural Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Workshop 13-14 Mar 2019 Paris (France)

NeuroSLAM: Neural Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Workshop


Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (or SLAM) refers to the problem of constructing a map of an unknown environment as it is actively being explored. SLAM has been treated extensively in mobile robotics, providing …

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Bio-inspired wind sensation for advanced autonomous drones/UAV navigation

Reliability and accuracy of navigation in flying drones are one of the key challenges that must be solved in autonomous applications. Accurate knowledge of position, attitude, and velocity is a critical input for drones operating in cluttered and challenging environments

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How the brain represent 3D head direction in 3D space?

The note is an excerpt from the Shinder et al. 2019. We just describe some key conception and results in this study as a significant note. Please read the original paper if you are interested in the study on

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A Map in the Sky for Self-Flying Vehicles

A report titled ‘Flying Taxis Take Flight, Presage New Location Intelligence‘ by Frits van der Schaaf. 

Location intelligence has long been used to present real-time information on maps—for transportation companies’ tracking of shipments; utility companies’ monitoring the status

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