The excerpt note is about spatial cognition in non-horizontal environments by Jeffery K. J. et al., 2013.
Jeffery, Kathryn J., Aleksandar Jovalekic, Madeleine Verriotis, and Robin Hayman. “Navigating in a three-dimensional world.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36, no. …
The excerpt note is some relevant references about 2.5D SLAM inspired by the brain, which is expanded from the RatSLAM system.
Guth F. A. et. al. present an Hippo 3D (DolphinSLAM), expanded from the RatSLAM system, which was initially designed …
Most animals, including humans, are able to flexible navigate the complex world. They can explore new areas, returning quickly to remembered places, and taking shortcuts. The recent discovery in neuroscience, including place cells, grid cells, head direction cells, border cells, …
These references are about key matching methods of panoramas images in forward and backward direction for visual route recognition in brain inspired navigation.
Milford Michael. “Visual route recognition with a handful of bits.” Proc. 2012 Robotics: Science and …
Festo has just announced its two newest bionic learning network robots—one is a very convincing flying fox, and the other is a walking, tumbling robot inspired by a Saharan spider. Over the last few years, we’ve met ants, butterflies, …
The excerpt note is about panoramic images from Zhang et al., 2007.
Zhang, A. M. (2007). Robust appearance based visual route following in large scale outdoor environments. Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane, Australia, 2007.…
The excerpt note is about vision processing and appearance-based recognition using panoramic images for persistent navigation and mapping in open areas from Michael et al., 2010.
Michael Milford, and Gordon Wyeth. “Persistent Navigation and Mapping using a Biologically Inspired …
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